Answering the call from the Imperial Ministry of War for additional troops to reinforce the Reichsarmee in its impending campaign against the forces of the Elector, Duke Siegfried von Sachsen-Wachsenstein is assembling his kreis contributory regiment, to be composed of equal portions of the Musketeer Regiment von Schlichting and the Fusilier Regiment von Pflugk, with accompanying artillery.
As I stated in an earlier post, I'm using the very nice Eureka SYW Saxon infantry and artillery for this force. These figures are sculpted very well and dressed in battle rig, with just a canteen, cartridge box, and sword. They have been a pleasure to paint as the uniform details are raised just enough to make them distinguishable.
The Duke, above, is the mounted officer figure in the range.
The Musketeer Regiment von Schlichting has been completed and is currently engaged in training.

Still being outfitted are the remainder of the contributory regiment:

plus a couple of extra figures (foot officer and two drummers) for the Duke's staff.
The 6-lbr crew will have 4 gunners and 1 artillery fusilier while the 4-lbr will have 3 gunners and 1 artillery fusilier.
Postscript: I have a new, darker blue background. Does this make the pictures better and easier to see? Your comments are welcome!