The rules used were The Sword and the Flame by Larry Brom, which may be obtained from Sergeants3 (shameless plug!).
And now Col Campbell's Barracks presents:
Photographs are courtesy of Bill Hamilton, John Murdaugh, Ed Sansing, and Jim Pitts.
Troops are owned and were painted by Jim Pitts. Almost all are Ral Partha. The Indian lancer officer is Miniature Figurines; the two Haddabiera guns are Foundry Darkest Africa; the Russian officer is Askari; and the Niyam militia are London Warroom Abyssinians.
Terrain owned by Jim Pitts.
Cool battle report! Looks like you all had a lot of fun. :-)
Bravo and well done to the lads! Roast beef and bottles of claret all round I say!
yours in a white wine sauce,
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