The bomber (flown by me) had a choice of two targets. I chose the bridge which was only "protected" by one allied fighter. It was an interesting mission as I overflew my turn-in point for the bomb run and had to make a different approach. I think that mistake sealed my doom as you'll see below.
We had a plethora of engine's smoking and catching fire on both sides as well as many machine guns jamming.
As usual, please click on the pictures for a larger image.
After making the turn toward the bridge target, my Gotha is pursued by two enemy fighters. |
After the successful bombing run, I head for home, pursued by all three enemy fighters. "Ace" pilot Lord Sterling (red shirt) ruefully considers the consequences of allowing the Gotha to get away. |
But I didn't. The Belgian "ace" Russ shot me down just before I could cross the front lines. |
Having missed my turn-in point was my downfall. That extra set of maneuvering I had to do was what sealed my doom. But it was a fun and exciting game especially as machine guns jammed just at the worst (or best for the traget's point of view) times. At one time I had both my forward and aft guns jammed for a series of three maneuver cards.
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