Monday, November 12, 2018

Union Reinforcements

I'm continuing to slowly add to my 15mm American Civil War forces, this time some Union elements.  My ACW focus is central Tennessee with the Union XIV Corps of the Army of the Cumberland facing a modified Hardee's Corps of the Army of Tennessee.

Please click on the photographs for an enlarged image.

The figures are all 15mm Old Glory miniatures.  The units are organized for the "On to Richmond" rules.

Major General George Thomas' command group, XIV Corps

Brig Gen Absalom Baird, 1st Division command group, XIV Corps, and his division artillery
(4th Indiana Battery and H/5th US Artillery, armed with rifled guns)

Brig Gen John Starkweather's 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, XIV Corps
(24th Ill, 79th Penn, and 1st and 21st Wisc Regiments)
More will slowly be added.

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