Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Carpanian Regiment Clausthaler

I just added a new battalion to my Seven Years War imagi-nations forces, the Carpanian Regiment Clausthaler, named after a German beer.  It is patterned after the real-world Prussian Regiment Braunschweig-Bevern (#7).  The only distinctive change I made was to substitute a more redder "rose" for the pink rose listed on the Kronoskaf web site.

The figures are 28mm Old Glory SYW Prussian infantry and the flags are from the Warflag web site.  The battalion, like all my SYW imagi-nations forces, is organized for Bill Protz's "Batailles de l'Ancien Regime" (BAR) rule set.

Please click on the photos for a larger image.

Configured in two "companies" with three ranks each per the BAR rules.

Configured in a two-deep single line for use with other horse and musket rule sets.
Next month I hope to add another two companies to the Gallian (read French) Regiment Royal Ecossais.