Friday, November 2, 2018

Royal Ecossais Regiment

Finally after almost four years, I've finally finished the first two 12-figure "companies" of the Royal Ecossais Regiment ( link ).  And they look just as good as I hoped they would!

They are the Old Glory Jacobite range figures with everyone wearing a bonnet.  The flag of this "battalion" is the ordnance color with its dark blue field adorned by the thistle and fleur de lis.

As I stated in my 2015 post, they are organized in 12-figure companies for Bill Protz's "Batailles de l'Ancien Regime" (BAR) rules.

This "battalion" will join my Gallian army detachment that is part of the Reichsarmeeabteilung Obere Sachsen (Imperial Army Detachment Upper Saxony).

I still have another two-company "battalion" plus the grenadier and piquet companies to paint.  Gives me something to do and keeps me off the streets.


  1. Nice. A fun regiment to field. I did part of mine in tams and part in three-cornered hats.

  2. Very pretty Colonel but, can they fight? LOL, all kidding aside very nice bush work!
