It has been a while since I've posted anything here. I have been painting figures and vehicles but they are for a special project that is not yet ready to be unveiled. Heh, heh!
But in preparation for a bicentennial battle commemorating the
Befreiungskrieg ("Prussian War of Liberation), I needed a couple of more Prussian cavalry regiments. Luckily I had two regiments that were bought almost completely painted. Of the sixteen figures I only had to paint two from scratch, while I did some major and minor repainting of the other fourteen.
So without much else ado, I present two light cavalry regiments of the cavalry reserve, III (Prussiche) Korps, Army of the North.
Ulanen Regiment Nr. 1, West Prussiche |
Ulanen Regiment Nr. 1, West Prussiche |
Pommerische Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment Nr. 2 |
Pommerische Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment Nr. 2 |
All of the riders and horses are vintage Hinchliffe. I still need to figure out a way to arm the Pomeranians with lances, but that came happen later. Right now it is back to the "Special Project."