Saturday, April 23, 2022

Wood's Brigade of Cleburne's Division


This 15mm ACW Confederate brigade has been "hanging fire" for many, many months (since the fall of 2019).  But now its time has come, energized because I need more Confederate forces for my upcoming game at the regional Bayou Wars convention in June.  They are 15mm Old Glory figures and are based for the "On to Richmond" rules.  Please click on the pictures for a larger image.

Wood's Brigade, commanded by Brigadier General Sterling A. M. (Sam) Wood is a mixed Alabama and Mississippi brigade in Major General Patrick Cleburne's Division of Hardee's Corps in the Army of Tennessee.  It is the last of Cleburne's three brigades to be painted.

The brigade consists of the 16th Alabama, 33rd Alabama, and 45th Alabama Infantry Regiments; the 18th Alabama Infantry Battalion; the combined 32nd/45th Mississippi Infantry Regiment; and the 15th Mississippi Infantry Battalion, all told some 1,800 men.

The other units of Cleburne's division are Polk's and Deschler's Infantry Brigades and an artillery battalion (Calvert's Arkansas, Douglas' Texas, and Semple's Alabama Batteries).

I now have six Confederate infantry brigades with two more in the immediate pipe-line.  They'll be fighting against twelve Union infantry brigades.  The game will be a "what-if" scenario from the June 1863 Tullahoma Campaign.  More details to follow.

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