Wednesday, May 30, 2018

American War of Independence - Newly Units

Well dear readers, it has been seven months (!!) since I last posted here.  I've been on a painting funk of late although I have done a little with my 1:2400 scale pre-dreadnought ships (see Col Campbell's Shipyard blog.

But now in the "merry old month" of May, I've recovered my painting mojo and have begun work on my American War of Independence forces.  The British (and Hessian and Loyalist) now have twelve infantry units, three cavalry units, three artillery companies, and some mounted officers, while the Americans have six infantry units, two cavalry units, four artillery companies, and some mounted officers.  But I've got six more American infantry units being outfitted.

Here are my latest additions.  Please click on the photographs for larger images.

British 43rd Foot Regiment, using vintage "true" 25mm Custom Cast figures, with six bases of three figures each.
The cast flags are hand-painted.
American 1st Virginia Regiment, using vintage 25mm Miniature Figurines figures;
flag from Warflag.
American 3rd Connecticut Regiment, using 25mm Custom Cast figures,
with hand-painted flag.
American 6th Connecticut Regiement, using 25mm Custom Cast figures,
with hand-painted flag.
American DeGimat's Light Infantry Battalion, using vintage Scruby Figurines figures
with a new Historifigs (formerly Scruby) officer.
Here is my British infantry troop box showing all twelve infantry units - five British foot regiments, two Highland regiments, two British light battalions, one Hessian grenadier battalion, the Hessian jager corps, and the infantry of the Queen's Rangers, as well as two British mounted officers.

British troop box - 12 infantry units and 2 mounted officers.

Finally, I also finished, after owning them for many years, the Fife and Drum Miniatures iconic "fife and drum party" set.

28mm (1:56 scale) Fife and Drum Miniatures.
In June, besides participating the our local wargaming convention Bayou Wars, I plan on completing the above mentioned six American infantry units as well as several mounted officers, two guns, and some more artillerymen for both my British and American forces.  My future plans call for painting one American infantry unit for each British/Hessian. Loyalist infantry unit, although some of the Americans will be militia while some of the British and Hessians will be grenadiers.

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