Friday, October 27, 2017

Visit to the B-17 "Aluminum Overcast"

Last weekend (Oct. 13-15), the B-17G "Aluminum Overcast" paid a visit to the Jackson, MS area.  She flew into the John Bell Williams Airfield in nearby Raymond.  There were both flying tours and static tours available.  I went out to see her since my father flew on one during WW2.  You can see the other posts I made about my father's service by following the "8th Air Force" subject link.

She belongs to the Experimental Aircraft Association who were the ones who brought her here.  She was delivered to the Army Air Force in May 1945, too late to see active service.  But with the exception of a replica top turret, she has been restored to her 1945 glory.  The latter is a shame since that was my father's duty position.

I took a number of pictures which are included below for your enjoyment.  Remember to click on them to see a larger view.

She carries the colors of the 398th Bombardment Group (Heavy) and is dedicated to B-17G #42-102516 which was shot down on its 34th combat mission over Le Manior, France on August 13, 1944.

Poster on display which is cropped and blown up in the three images below.

The tour entered here at the nose.

The nose art

Bomb bay with decommissioned bomb load.

Looking forward through the bomb bay toward the top turret and cockpit.

Ball turret position

Port side waist gun position

Outside showing ball turret with hatch opened to show gunner's cramped position

Looking up through bomb bay into top turret position

I tried to get some other pictures, particularly in the nose bombardier/navigator position and in the cockpit but the glare from the outside was too much for my camera.  Hope you enjoyed the ones I did take.

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