Thursday, May 15, 2014

Paint for Victory - Part 4

I just completed by third, and final, rifle section for the Cambridge Fencibles (Anglican League).


This is the "firing line" pack from Battle Honors.  For the most part they seem to be better sculpted and moulded than the "skirmish" packs that I have for the other two sections.  But the standing and kneeling figures are holding their rifles in a most awkward position, rather too far forward to my eye instead of a good positioning against the shoulder.  But from 3 or 4 feet away they look OK.

Now, where does that leave me for my goal when we (Ok, Ok, I) started this "Paint for Victory" madness.  Well, I've painted the two rifle sections, the two mounted officers, and the fillers for my headquarters section so that's good.  But, I didn't get the film crew finished and I haven't completed the armored truck for the BUF special assault section so that's not good.  Oh, well, we can't all be perfect I guess.  Kinda takes the fun out of life.

My game is still on for Saturday.  For a while today I felt like I had scheduled a war and no one was showing up.  But enough of our group will be there that I'll at least have two players per side.  A report with pictures will be forthcoming.

Then it is on to the additional figures that are on their way from Brigade Games - more armed civilians, more headquarters wallahs, and a Maxim machinegun team for my revolutionary sailors.  I am going to try to paint most of these for my convention game next month.

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