Sunday, May 11, 2014

Paint for Victory - Part 3

Today I completed the second of three batches of Battle Honours figures for my Very British Civil War game on Saturday, May 17.

All of these figures are part of the Anglican League's Cambridge Fencibles, raised by the Bishop of Cambridge from veterans of the Great War, recently demobilized troops of the Cambridgeshire Regiment, and volunteers.

The senior headquarters section for the West Suffolk district of the Bury St. Edmonds command area.  The mounted and dismounted Leftenant Colonel are on the photo left while the mounted and dismounted major are on the right.  The "regimental" colour sergeant is in the center.  In the rear right and left are the two signal teams.

The command element for No. 2 Company, Cambridge Fencibles, consists of the captain (center), leftenent (with swagger stick), company colour sergeant (to left of captain), and two privates.

The company has attached to it a Vickers machinegun team.  This two has two "modes."  On the left they are set up and ready to fire while on the right they are moving to a new location.
I also did some work on the goods wagon (boxcar to us Americans) that was featured in my game last month.   Fight for the Supplies .

The goods wagon as it originally came with the toy train set I bought some years ago.  I took it apart and sprayed it first with Krylon plastic primer then with Krylon flat black camouflage paint.

Then I painted the body in the livery of the London and North Eastern Railway whose mainline runs through Essex and Suffolk on its way north.  To the left is another open goods wagon that will get a further treatment in the future, maybe as an armored gun car.  It shows the difference in the original toy train set cars and the partially detained car I just did.

Now I only have 10 more figures, Rifle Section No. 2, of the company to paint this week before my game.

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