Friday, September 19, 2008

Carpanian Reinforcements

This month has seen the Margraviate of Carpania add to its little army. First up is that very capable Scottish mercenary commander, Major General Seamus Campbell.

He and his dismounted alter ego are both Front Rank figures from their Jacobite line. They are painted in a stylized blue and green Campbell tartan. Seamus will eventually lead Campbell's Mercenary Legion in the service of the Markgraf of Carpania.

Last month I unveiled the 1st (Leib) Squadron of the Hapnich Dragoons. This month I added Colonel (Oberst) Ritter Jochen von Valkenhayn, the regimental commander.

Von Valkenhayn is a Front Rank Prussian dragoon officer and cuts a dashing figure in his regimentals that are patterned after the Prussian 10th Dragoon Regiment.

Joining Von Valkenhayn and the Leib Squadron is the 2nd Squadron of the Hapnich Dragoons.

As is the Leib Squadron, they are also Old Glory Prussian dragoons. Unlike the Leib Squadron which has all very dark colored horses, this squadron has a mix of browns and a gray for the squadron drummer.

And finally, we have the converged Teutonica/Paulaner Grenadier Battalion, composed of the grenadiers from the Teutonica Musketeer Battalion and the Paulaner Fusilier Battalion.

These fine examples of the elite grenadiers of the Carpanian army are Crusader figures and feature an officer and five grenadiers from the Teutonica musketeers and a sergeant, drummer, and four grenadiers from the Paulaner Fusiliers. They will be brigaded with the converged Grenadier Battalion Zweibieren/von Stuppe as the army reserve.

I'm still working on some more figures for this month as I prepare for the Big Battalions in Texas game at MilleniumCon in November. I'll be adding a battalion commander and sergeant to the Carpanian Staffeldunkel Jagers and a battalion commander, three company commanders, and three company sergeants to the Courlandian Tamnii Narod Pandurs, as well as additional gunners for the Courland position and battalion guns.

Next month I will be painting the 3rd Squadron of the Hapnich Dragoons, Campbell's Highland battalion (in all their kilted glory), and a second company for the Staffeldunkel Jagers, plus limbers for the Carpanian and Courland position artillery.

I hope you enjoyed these additions to my imagi-nation forces.


  1. Really like the Seamus mounted figure, had never seen a mounted highlander. Looks good!

  2. I agree with Capt Bill - very nice highland commander(s). I hadn't considered highlanders for my project, but now I will.

    Like the dragoons, too.

    You seem to happily mix troops from different manufacturers without problem. What's your opinion on this?

  3. Nice looking new recruits! Now you mention them, I have a batch of Highlander figures which I could convert...

  4. Colonel,

    If I might make a suggestion . . .

    I know that I am not the only reader in our family of blogs who has aged eyesight . . . and the contrast with the light background makes it difficult for me to make out the details of your figures.

    You might try placing the figures on/in front of a darker background so that your camera can pick up more of the details of your fine figures.

    And I don't mean black . . . I had the same problem photographing my figures until I started using a medium green background (which worked much better).

    I do want a better look at these figures.

    -- Jeff

  5. Lovely additions to your collection! It looks like it was fun to paint them, especially the highlanders.

    Best Regards,


  6. I like the look of the Highlander (on horse and afoot), as well as the other troops!

  7. Jeff,

    I am in the process of looking for something else to use as a photographic backdrop. Sometime ago I read about using shaded/graduated blues as a good backdrop, but I haven't found anything I like yet.

    Thanks for your comment.


  8. Nice additions to your units; like the highlanders.

    -- Allan
