Saturday, July 3, 2021

Saracen Leaders, Arab & Numidian Infantry, and Asiatic Horse Archers

The last 15mm painting for a short while includes two new Saracen mounted leaders, a unit of Arab infantry and one of Numidian infantry, and another unit of Asiatic horse archers.

First the two leaders.  These are both Miniature Figurines ZC-332, Saracen cavalry with sword and shield.  Although these figures are listed as being later than my period (900-1100 AD), their armor and weaponry doesn't put them too much out of time.

They are mounted on horses from an unknown manufacturer but are suitable for "noble" leaders by having a chest protector.  The one of the left is of metal scale while the one on the right is of horn scale.  These two were given a terrain treatment on the bases consisting of a grass tuft, some rocks and some earth-tone scatter.  They are the first ones with which I have done this.  I think it looks good and will most likely retrofit at least all of my mounted leaders this way.

The Arab infantry unit is all Miniature Figurines figures and also features a "made up" banner.

They are wearing light blue clothing with different colored head wraps.

The Numidian infantry unit is also all Miniature Figurines figures and features a "made-up" banner.

I made their shields dark to resemble animal hide such as rhinoceros or elephant.

And finally we have a unit of Asiatic horse archers.  They are Miniature Figurines ZC-350, Mongol light cavalry firing bow.  These are really out of my time period but as far as I'm concerned, an Asiatic horse archer is an Asiatic horse archer.  Many styles of dress didn't change that much from century to century.

I'm trying something new with this unit, basing the figures as if they are swirling around loosing arrows at various targets.  I think this gives a feel for the type of tactics used by Asiatic horse archers.

Well, this will be all the 15mm figures I'll be painting for a short while, taking a break from the little guys to paint some 25/28mm figures and guns for my 18th and 19th Century forces.

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