Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Inventory of Wargaming Figures

As I have entered my 7th decade, I've begun to contemplate what I still have to complete in my many wargaming periods.  So for the past week I've been inventorying and counting what I have painted and based and what still needs to be painted and based.  I knew that I had a bunch of figures, but not quite this many -- about 21,880 with about 60% painted and based (13,140) and 40% still to do (8,740).  These totals and sub-totals are probably accurate to within no more than 5% error.

So here is the breakdown.  First the actual figures (plus some pack animals), by period and size:

Please click on image to enlarge it for readability.

And the ancillary planes, ships, and vehicles:

Please click on image to enlarge it for readability.

Now to decide what I can realistically finish and use and what I'll never finish or use and put that up for disposal to another wargamer.


  1. Impressive collection--and daunting task. As I am arriving at one of those "certain ages" and early retirement, similar thoughts bubble up about the collection. I have yet to do a similar inventory--but I'm not sure I really want to know :)

  2. As a fellow seven decade veteran, I can understand your dilemma. I’ve begun pruning my collections so that I can concentrate on fewer projects, and have been passing stuff on to other wargamers.

    It seems a bit negative at the beginning, but I’ve found it cathartic to say to myself ‘I’ve enjoyed using these figures in the past, but don’t expect to use them again .. so I hope that their new owner will get as much fun using them as I did.’

    All the best,

