Thursday, December 10, 2020

Pulpy Rugged Adventure Figures

While I was working on my 15mm Medieval rebasing project (see previous post), I was also painting a batch  of Bob Murch's "Pulp Figures" sculpts.  I anticipate using them next year in some pulp games, probably using the "Rugged Adventure" rules.  Please click on the image for a larger picture.

The first batch were five figures from pack PHP-10, Stalwart Companions:

From left -- Loyal Ghurkha Billy-Fish; Lal-Singh; F.B. McGinty (but in a Campbell tartan so he'll be named F.B. Campbell); Young "Shorty" Smith; and stiff upper-lipped Reggie York.

Next were four of the five figures from pack PHP-18, Rugged Sons of the Empire:

From left:  Bluey Jones; Carnahan; Col. Sir John Ripperton; and Blinky Alsop.  The final figure, 'Mack' MacCurdy was painted some time ago (also in a Campbell tartan.).

Then three of the ladies from pack PHP-19, Dangerous Dames 2:

From left: Cassandra Van Pelt (ace pilot); Meg Masters; and Oberleutnant Heidi Reitsch.  The last two, Bernadette of the Resistance and Calamity Jean, were painted earlier.

And finally, some assorted figures:

From left: Leon Trotsky (Giants in Miniature); Airborne general with cuppa tea (a special figure from Nick at North Star); British colonial officer with cuppa tea (also one of Nick's "specialty" figures); and another British colonial officer holding binoculars.

Hopefully you'll be seeing them and others in various adventures next year after our gaming group can really get back together.

Y'all stay safe!


  1. Very nice work on all these - I love the Pulp Era figures and this range in particular - one day I will buy some - probably Ilsa and her female SS guards to start with!
