Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Hessian Commander and Artillery

The command group for the 25th Infantry Division (Grand Ducal Hessian) of the IX Korps has joined the German forces in France.  Commanded by Prince Louis von Hesse, the heir to the Grand Ducal throne, it consisted of two infantry brigades (49th and 50th), a cavalry brigade, and an artillery force of six batteries, divided into two abteilungen (or battalions).

Click on the images for a larger view.

Organized for Larry Brom's "Chassepot and Needlegun" rules, a division command group has three figures.  The two foot figures are Foundry Miniatures but I'm not sure which manufacturer made the impressive mounted officer.  He was a single figure labeled "EXT-15 Baron von Gruber."  Any assistance in identifying the manufacturer would be appreciated.

And the Hessian artillery force received the 2nd Light Battery as a reinforcement.  It consists of three light 4-lb guns, each with two gunners, per Brom's organization.

The guns are substitutes using Ral Partha Colonial Krupp guns.  They are close enough to what the Prussian guns looked like.  The gunners are from Castaway Arts run by my friend from Down-Under Gerry Webb.

I'm now working on the command group from the French 2nd Loire Division and the 8th Heavy Artillery Battery.  I'm hoping to get them completed before the end of the month.

1 comment:

  1. I love it..I have the IX corps painted up .I love the fact ,that i get two more Jaeger battalions and two extra Reiter regiments as oppossed to the other Prussian Corps..I puttied on the visors for one of my regiments.I have two foundry reegt;s .one Castaway arts and one Battlehonours using the Saxons figures so I did not have to do anymore putting.Castaway arts generals and old Helion.. used old Frontier austrians for Jaegers and added shoulder rolls..then one SAE reiter regt. and one Old Corvus reiter regt. it's a hodge podge.And they actually have a good record in our games..thank god for Krupp guns.
