Saturday, February 1, 2020

January Painting - Franco-German War Units

The following units were completed during January 2020.  They were all used in our January 20 "Carnage and Glory" Franco-German War game.

French 7th Heavy Artillery Battery, 15th Loire Corps
This battery of 12-lb rifled muzzle loading artillery is part of the artillery reserve of the French 15th Loire Corps.  It is composed of three Falcon Miniatures guns and six Castaway Arts French gunners.

2nd Battalion, 2nd Hessian Infantry Regiment (Grand Duke's)
This battalion of Hessians completes the 1st Hessian Infantry Brigade, 25th Grand Ducal Hessian Division, IX Prussian Corps.  It is composed of sixteen Foundry Miniatures figures.

1st Hessian Light Artillery Battery, 25th Grand Ducal Hessian Division
This battery of Krupp 4-lb rifled breech loading artillery is part of the 2nd Battalion, Grossherzoglisches [Grand Duke's] Artilleriecorps.  It is composed of three Ral Partha "colonial" Krupp guns (only guns I can get that are close enough) and six Castaway Arts German gunners.  It provides direct artillery support to the 1st Hessian Infantry Brigade.

Although I said last month that I would take a break from painting Franco-German figures, I do have some more on the painting desk -- the 3rd Battalion of Tirailleurs Algerien (Turcos) and a composite French chasseur battalion made up of drafts from the Turcos, Zouaves, and Marins of the 1st Infantry Division, 15th Loire Corps.  These two battalions will complete the 1st Brigade.  After that I have two more battalions of Zouaves to paint to complete the 2nd Brigade and thus the entire 1st Division.

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