Thursday, June 20, 2019

Additional Napoleonic Prussian Battalion

I just finished painting and basing an additional Napoleonic Prussian battalion to add to my III Korps troops.  This battalion is the next to last unit needed to complete the 4th Brigade (division equivalent).  They are carrying a "landwehr" flag as there is no indication that they had colors until after 1815.  But all my battalions have flags so I used this one.

1st Battalion, Elbe-Infantrie-Regiment using Hinchliffe figures
This regiment was originally organized by Oberstleutnant (lieutenant colonel) von Reuss in the spring of 1813 as the Auslander Bataillion von Reuss.  But with subsequent recruiting it was expanded into a full three-battalion regiment by July 1813, incorporating Hessian guardsmen, dismounted Westphalian cheveauleger and the Westphalian Legion. In 1815 it was retitled Infantrie-Regiment Nummer 26, Erste Magdeburgisches.  [The Prussian Army: 1808-1815 by David Nash, page 86]

I only have two battalions, the first of Hinchliffe figures and the second of Prinz August castings.  If I ever get any more of either, I'll raise the third battalion.

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