Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Almost Year-End Wrap-up

Christmas brought some gaming items:

An early war squad of 28mm British infantry from Warlord and an early war squad of 28mm Germans from Artizan Designs, both of which will be used as my "contribution" for our group's WW2 skirmish action.

A Great War Miniatures WW1 British artillery crew for my British 18-lbr I obtained several years ago which will be part of my Very British Civil War gaming.

Also for VBCW, a Warlord improvised armored car, the "Malcom-Campbell" which I just had to add as those are my two middle names!
It has a resin body and white metal wheels, bumpers, and half-rifles.  This will be a nice little addition to my VBCW forces.

And two books - The Komnene Dynasty, Byzantium's Struggle for Survival: 1057-1185 by John Carr and A Battlefield Atlas of the American Revolution by Craig L. Symonds.  Both should make interesting reading.

I've not completed as much painting this month as I wanted, mainly due to a nagging cough from a month-long flare up of my allergic rhinitis.  It has robbed me of my stamina later in the day.  I did remount some pre-painted 25mm MiniFig Wurttemburg troops (a battalion of line infantry and a battalion of light infantry) as well as painted a few figures to complete their organization.  they were used in a fictional 1813 battle preceding Leipzig that pitted a retreating French force and their pursuing Prussians.

As a result of that game, I spent several days going through my 25mm Napoleonic French and Prussian forces and laying out a schema of painting next year to try and complete some of the commands.  As part of that inventory I redid my Napoleon command group by removing a mounted escort (needed him elsewhere), changing Napoleon's horse (also needed elsewhere), and adding two Old Guard escorts (who were extra figures).  The result:
Napoleon, with his faithful Mameluke Roustam, an ADc on foot, and a sergeant and grenadier of the Old Guard keeping close watch.  All of the figures are Miniature Figurines except Roustam's horse which is a Warrior figure.  Roustam himself is an earlier MiniFig casting while all the others are later MiniFigs castings.

I'm still hoping to get 24 more Royal Ecossais figures completed by the 31st.  If so, I'll make them my last post of the year.

Here's hoping everyone had a blessed and merry Christmas and will have a prosperous New Year!

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