Tuesday, October 2, 2018

September American Revolution Painting

As I stated in my August American Revolution painting post, I only had two more units to paint in this current batch of figures.  They were the Loyalist 3rd Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers and the American 6th Virginia State Line Regiment.  The latter is a speculative unit designation.

As usual, please click on the pictures to get a larger image.

The 3rd Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers, is a Loyalist unit that saw action both around New York city and in the south so it gives me different battle options.  They are wearing the earlier green coat.  The figures are all Custom Cast.  With white facings the battalion carries a British-style white regimental color.

The 6th Virginia State Line Regiment is a speculative unit designation although Virginia did have a number of state line regiments.  The uniforms are a mix of two of the different French coats and pants mixes that were provided to them as well as some brown dyed British coats.  The figures are a mix of vintage Scruby Miniatures, older Miniature Figurines, and Custom Cast.  Even though two of the 3-figure stands are wearing light infantry regalia, the entire unit is a standard line infantry battalion.  The flag is a speculative one based on the Virginia seal.
And I thought that I would again show the method that I use to identify each unit.  I developed a Word table form that has one row of cells containing just the unit identification that is just tall enough to cover the back of each stand and then a row of cells that is almost as wide as the stand and contains the unit designation, the manufacturer of the figures, and the month and year in which they were painted.

The British, German, and Loyalist units have red unit labels while the Americans have blue unit labels.
The labels are arranged in thin and then thick rows.  After printing, I cut them apart, remembering not to separate the two parts of the label.  I score the dividing line and fold the label, then glue it to the base with standard PVA  (Elmer's) glue.

Next up in October are more "companies" for the Gallian (French) Royale Ecossais Regiment and, hopefully, two small Carpanian (Prussian) battalions for my Imagi-Nations armies.

1 comment:

  1. I like your ID information, especially the date painted, etc. Since all of my figures are going to be Fife & Drum, for myself I would leave off the vendors name on my bases. Good idea👍
