Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bayou Wars - The Convention

As my third and final posting, I'm featuring some of the other games that were being run at our regional convention - Bayou Wars.  Some of you might recognize a few familiar faces.

Travis M. (center) from Vicksburg, Miss. ran a demonstration of his new strategic board game on the American Civil War.  It seemed to be popular with the crowd and the players were having fun.

One of several runnings of Portsmouth Games Bloody Broadsides games using their very nice 1:900 scale Napoleonic ships.

Editor Julia watching the racing during one of Bill M.'s "Rubbin' and Racing" games.  I played in this one and had a great time.
Ken H. (white head in center) checks line of site during his British versus French skirmish game "Search for Pigs" using Two Hour Wargames 95th rules.  I think the French won as they were able to corral some mighty meaty heifers and get them away from the "rosbifs."
An American Civil War game based on the Confederate attack on Baton Rouge, Louisiana, using the Regimental Fire and Fury rules and 20mm figures.

An American War of Independence game involving a very nicely made stockade with 25mm figures.

A Bolt Action game between the Germans and the Russians.

A Call of  Cthuhlu board game using some very nicely made large figures.

Doc Ord (a fellow Jackson Gamer and TMPer) runs his 28mm Indian Mutiny game using one of our favorite rule sets, The Sword and the Flame.  I was a mutineer player and we beat back the redcoats and their Indian lackeys very handily.

Mark Bobe of Bobe's Hobbies, talks with Ken H.  Mark had a very nice dealer set-up with products for several different gaming genres.  I bought a very nice book from him - Byzantine Armies: 325 AD - 1453 AD by Dimitri Belezos with very colorful illustrations by Christos Giannopoulos.  So far it has been a wonderful read.  Portsmouth Games (Jeffrey Hunt) and my old Army buddy Rudy Nelson were also there as dealers, along with several role-playing dealers.

A Persians versus Turks game set in the mid 1400s, using modified Field of Glory rules.

Dudley G. lecturing the players before the start of his "Race for the Maus" WW2 game between the Americans and the Russians, using the Command Decision Test of Battle rules.

The first part of  two part game involving a secret Nazi base somewhere off of the southern tip of Argentina.  The second part, of which I didn't get a picture, featured the action inside the underground base that was revealed when the "roof" was lifted off the terrain piece pictured here.

A big fortress assault in medieval times with siege engines, siege towers, and a cast of hundreds of figures.

A Star Wars - The Clone Wars game using 28mm figures and a modified version of Warhammer 40K rules.

A strategic Seven Years War board game's action involved a number of players.

And to keep with the "Epic Battles" theme, the battle at Wavre (1815) was recreated using 15mm figures and Field of Glory Napoleonic rules (I think).
Well, that was this year's Bayou Wars.  All in all a very nice regional convention with a number of interesting and well laid-out games.  As far as I could tell, everyone was having fun.

Even Editor Julia as she watches a Bloody Broadsides Napoleonic naval game.  A group of us, including Ken and Teresa H,, Bill H., and I took her to supper Friday night at one of the St. Francisville local eateries - The Magnolia Grill.

1 comment:

  1. A truly diverse collection of games - looks like a good time was had by all. Congratulations on your TSATF victory.
