Saturday, February 21, 2015

Lion Rampant Battered Markers

We had our first Lion Rampant game today (report to be forthcoming).  To get ready for the game, I wanted some nice looking "battered" markers for my units.  Through the generosity of several wargamers who sent me a varied collection of shields and weapons, I constructed my markers.

I recall seeing pointed oblong wooden pieces at my local Ace Hardware store.  As unusual the friendly sales associate knew exactly what I meant and pointed me to the wood joining biscuits.

These wooden biscuits are used to join two flat pieces of wood but the make excellent bases for various markers.  I spray painted them flat brown, glued on green flock, and then attached the shields and weapons that I had painted.  After a good spraying with a maximum hold hair spray, I glued small washers to the underside to give them some weight. 
Markers just placed in front of a unit of 25mm knights (mounted men-at-arms).

Close-up of the finished products.

I think they will work very well not only for Lion Rampant but for any medieval game where one needs to show a unit that has lost cohesion.
Again thanks to my much appreciated benefactors!


  1. I have ordered my copy of "Lion Rampant" but it isn't here yet.

    Your markers look great, sir. I might well steal your "biscuit" idea.

    -- Jeff

  2. Very nice. I've a load of those biscuits out in the shed and never thought of an alternative use for them.
    Well done :0)
