Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow Day in Central Mississippi

After warnings yesterday about the approaching winter storm, we awoke this morning to gently falling snow which had been proceeded by some freezing rain.  Although the Jackson area only got about 1" of the white stuff, it was enough to just about paralyze this deep south burg.  Bridges iced over and all the local schools closed.  It was worse south of here, with southern Mississippi getting up to3" of freezing rain, sleet, and snow.  They even got snow and ice down on the Mississippi Gulf Coast which is very rare.
Since I didn't get a call from my box or hear a TV announcement about the state government offices being closed, I drove into work, taking about twice as long to get there as usual.  Then about an hour after I arrived we were told to go home since the governor closed all state offices except for mission critical personnel (of which I'm not!!).  The drive home was even slipperier than the drive into work.  And this evening we heard that the state offices won't open until noon tomorrow (Wednesday) so I get to sleep late for a change.
Here is a picture of Col Campbell's quarters on this infrequent snow day in central Mississippi, taken about 3:00 pm when I ventured out to retrieve the mail..

1 comment:

  1. Odd weather is the order of the day, it seems! Here in the UK we are having incredibly wet and windy weather, with ferocious storms on the coasts and much inland flooding. Apparently our weather is the result of the jetsteam coming from the USA. In a "normal" year it takes only a few inches of snow to bring everything to a halt here in the Midlands too, as we're not really equipped to deal with it either.


