Thursday, July 4, 2013

Bayou Wars 2013 Pictures

Finally after almost a month I am posting a few of the pictures I took at our regional convention, Bayou Wars, which took place June 7-9 in Kenner, Louisiana (a suburb of New Orleans).  This was the 21st running of Bayou Wars and was, as usual, a lot of fun.  The pictures are not necessarily in chronological order but I have attempted to identify the game and when in the convention it was played.

Larry Reeves ACW game Friday night, "Battle of Mansfield" (Red River campaign, Apr. 9, 1864)
Ken Hafer's Brain Dead Sunday morning game, "Hillbilly Hootenanny"
The magnificent Brice's Crossroads battlefield of Dean West that was fought on Saturday
The British commanders in Mark Stevens "Egypt 1801 - Napoleonics in the Desert"
Polish winged hussars in George Morgan's "Pike and Shotte" Renaissance game on Friday night
Mark versus Mark in George Morgan's "Pike and Shotte" Renaissance game on Friday night
"Close Action" Napoleonic naval on Saturday morning using Jeff Hunt's magnificent Portsmouth Miniatures ships
Russian ships go up in flames in my Pre-Dreadnought Russo-Japanese naval battle Saturday night

And last but definitely not least, board member Chris Johnson presents the 2013 Bayou Wars Best Game Master of the year award to Larry Brom for all his involvement in the convention over the years and for all of the rule sets he has written  and inspired.  Accepting for Larry is his daughter Lori.