Monday, June 25, 2012

Hunters and a Mighty Gorilla

I have painted up some recent purchases.  They will eventually be used in a safari game later this year.

First we have some white hunters with their faithful gun bearer.  These figures are from Brigade Games and were developed to complement Howard Whitehouse's The Lion Eats Tonight rules.

The mighty hunter draws a bead on an unsuspecting target while his female companion watches intently for her own trophy.

Supported by his gun bearer, another hunter advances at the ready.

Purchased from my friend Ken H. at Bayou Wars earlier this month, these two "famous" characters will join my Darkest Africa forces.  They are both Foundry figures from packs DA1 (Explorers) and DA14 (European Ladies).  Also pictured is one of Foundry's "special" animals from pack GPR024.

The Lord of the Jungle and his mate, Jane, survey their domain.
"Red Eye" the Silverback peers cautiously from the jungle as he watches the two-legged intruders.

And finally, another "Knight of the Crescent Moon" joins the Justice Union League.  Detective Inspector Achmed was also purchased from Ken H.  He is another Foundry figure, from pack DA234 (Belgian Officers and NCOs).

The newest addition to the Justice Union League joins the "Knights of the Crescent Moon."


  1. And the plot thickens. Nice work, Col.

  2. I look forward to reading more and enjoying your photos of the game.

    -- Jeff

  3. Nice work and I'll look forward to your adventures in Africa, too.
