Monday, June 20, 2011

Bayou Wars Pictures - Part 1

Our Gulf South regional convention, Bayou Wars, was held June 10-13.  I've finally had time to post some of the pictures I took there.  Please click on each image for a larger view.

Clay Cooper's Command and Colors Napoleonic game pitted the French against an Anglo-Portuguese force.  Clay used his 15mm Napoleonic figures that were based for Napoleon's Battles rules in specially built movement trays on a 4" hex gridded Hotz matt.  It was a fun little game.

Larry Reeves' 15mm Napoleonic game, using his home rules, pitted an historical 1813 French force against the Prussian I Korps at the Battle of Wurttemburg.  The Prussians had to advance across a stream and its accompanying marshes before we could deploy against the French.  Although we didn't finish the game, it was apparent that the Prussians would probably win.

The main French force deploying against the Prussian advance
The Prussian battalions file down the single road and also slog through the marshes
As the leading brigades deploy, the trailing brigades venture into the marshes and more Prussians clog the road
Now all across the stream, the Prussians begin their advance
One of the French commanders (a "Marie Louise") eyes the attacking Prussians
The Prussian and French forces spread out as they maneuver for advantage
Travis Melton's WW2 Microarmor pick-up game:

Mark Stevens' Zulu game using The Sword and the Flame rules:

Martha advances her British towards the objective, a farm stead, while keeping an eye out for the Zulu impis.  One of her fellow British commanders watches.
A Zulu unit has been revealed and gets a decent movement towards the invading British.
Travis Melton's WW1 naval game, using his home rules:

Three of my German battlecruisers (foreground) trade fire with British battlecruisers among the rain squalls in the North Sea in this fictional encounter between part of the High Seas Fleet and part of the Home Fleet.
My German command isn't doing so well - one battleship and two battlecruisers are sinking!  But I have sunk a pair of British battlecruisers and sent a British battleship home with severe damage.
A second German battleship and a third battlecruiser go to Davey Jones' locker as the British close in for the kill.  Only two old German pre-dreadnought battleships were able to escape from my command.  My fellow German squadron commanders, each with four battleships, also didn't fare well.  It just wasn't a good day to be a German sailor.
A close-up of the 1:2400 scale (we think) ships and the stat cards that Travis prepared for the game.

Jay Stribling's Assyrian vs Egyptian game using his home rules:

"Electric" Ed ponders how his Assyrians can get close enough to beat the fast, but lighter armored Egyptians.
The Assyrians "stole" a march on the Egyptians and get very close as the game starts.  Jay (red shirt) is flanked by Larry Brom, author of The Sword and the Flame rules.
That's all for now.  I'll post more later.

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