Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gallian Infantry - WIP

Last week I began painting the first two 12-figure divisions of a regiment of Gallian (AKA French) infantry for my Imperial army.  These figures are of the Regiment Beaujolais (a rather nice French wine, by the way).  The figures are all Old Glory French & Indian War figures from packs FIW-06 (French line command) and FIW-08 (French line marching).  I also have figures from pack FIW-07 (French line advancing) which will form the next two 12-figure divisions.  There will also be a division of 12 grenadiers and a division of 12 picquets, plus a 4-figure color party carrying the colonel's and regimental colors.

The colonel commanding is one of the French mounted officers from pack FIW-18 (Wolf/Montcalm/Colonels mounted).  He is Colonel Charles, Sieur de Beaujolais.  I still have a little work to do on him, such as shading his face and hands and painting the base.

Colonel Charles, Sieur de Beaujolais
The infantry figures are still being painted.  These two pictures are just to show how they are progressing.  I used an undercoat of light gray and then did a heavy drybrush of antique white over it to achieve my interpretation of the gris-blanc color of French uniforms.

Fusiliers of Regiment Beaujolais
Fusiliers of Regiment Beaujolais
Additional pictures will be provided when these figures are complete.

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