Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Capitania General de Florida, Battle #1

Here are some of the pictures I took during the game I ran several Saturdays ago.  It pitted a punitive expedition of two Britannian battalions and some rangers and militia against a regular Andalusian (imagi-Spanish) force of regular battalions, militia, and Indians.  All of the regular battalions on both sides and the Andalusian gun and crew are owned by Doc Ord who has generously granted me a long-term loan of them.  The militia, rangers, and Indians are owned and painted by me, as was all the terrain.  Please click on the pictures for a larger image.  [Added note:  Additional pictures can be found at the Jackson Gamers blog.]

The battle area with a clearing for the Andalusian fort in the left foreground and the allied Indian stockaded village in the right background.

A closer look at the fort clearing showing the temporary breastworks manned by a company of Andalusian militia.

The stockaded Indian village.  This stockade was originally built as a Zulu kraal for a Victorian colonial game three years ago.  It is manned by Old Glory Indians.

A mixed bag of Britannian rangers, light infantry, and Indians advance toward the fort clearing.  These figures are Redoubt, Foundry, Conquest, and one unknown manufacturer.

The stockade is being assaulted by a battalion of Britannian infantry and two companies of Georgiana militia.

One of three battalions of Andalusian reinforcements marches toward the fighting.  This battalion is from the Regiment Ibernia.

Two more Andalusian battalions marching forward.  You might recognize the mounted officer in the foreground as Feldmarshall Leutnant Freiherr Bernard von Alderheim of the Imperium.  He was pressed into service as the Andalusian senior commander, Baron de la Plata (played by my friend, Lord Sterling).

The Britannian rangers and light infantry assault the Andalusian militia behind their temporary breastworks.  The Andalusians probably wisely decided not the stand and began to withdraw upon their regular supports (the Battalion Ibernia).

Meanwhile the center Andalusian battalion begins to deploy against some of the rangers and light infantry.

But they are quickly reinforced by the second of the Britannian battalions and a fire fight results.

The Andalusian militia continue to fall back on their supports who now line the reverse of the breastworks at the rear of the clearing.

The Andalusian gun, cheered on by de la Plata, comes into action.  The two gunners are borrowed Imperium figures who are assisted by infantrymen from two different Andalusian battalions.

Even though the battalion commander has been slain, the left flank Andalusian battalion holds its own against both the Britannian regulars to the left of the fort and some of the Georgiana militia (out of the picture to the right).

The final tally saw the Britannian and 'Muricans withdrawing from their attack after suffering severe casualties from the Andalusian and Indian fire.  Another battle is in the offing -- probably an Andalusian assault against the southern most Britannian outpost which now shelters the survivors of this battle.


  1. A spirited affair, great photos and battle report. Thanks for sharing...

  2. Entertaining and so pleasant visually - compliments!

  3. I agree with my esteemed colleagues from Beerstein and Monte Cristo! Excellent reporting from the colonies!
