Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tower & Zariba - Post #2

I continued adding to the tower over the weekend, getting it to almost its final stage.  The only major construction left is the roof.  The following pictures show the stages of construction so far.

The sidewalls have been glued to the base and internal supports added.

Holes have been drilled for the legs and they have been temporarily mounted.  The whole structure has been temporarily placeed onto the base, which is a small hillock cut from 1/2" blue foam that is glued to a Masonite base.

Reverse of the above image showing the entrance to the tower platform.

Lower cross supports have been added to the front and rear.  The side supports are awaiting installation.

Side supports and cross bracing has now been added and the platform has been glued to the legs.

Reverse of the above image showing the ladder leading up to the entrance.


  1. Well your tower looks good . . . and not too tough to attempt. Thank you.

    -- Jeff

  2. Shaping up nicely. Watchtowers were used by British/Imperial Colonial forces to quite an extent, some being built atop blockhouses too. It's good to see one here.
