Saturday, December 5, 2009

Snow! in Mississippi?!?

In a rare treat for those of us in the Deep South, we got an early season snow fall. We only had an accumulation of about 0.8" (about 20mm) here in south Jackson (capitol of Mississippi) but those residents east and south of here got a bit more. Now some of you will say that's a mere dusting and, having lived in Germany, I will agree with you. But for the Deep South, it is really a treat, especially since it didn't stick to the roads and was mostly melted by mid afternoon.

It started about 7:30 pm Friday (Dec. 4) night and continued until
well after we went to bed about 10:30 pm.

The front of my house looked very inviting with the snow falling
and the lights shining out.

Saturday morning dawned crisp and clear so that the white of the
snow contrasted nicely with the green pine trees and the blue skies.

The yard across the street looked very nice with the trees
all laced with snow.

But as I write this it is almost all gone and only these pictures are left. Snow is so ephemeral here in the South.


  1. I know exactly what you mean. We had a rare snowfall like that where I live (inland southern Calif.) a couple of years ago. Almost magical. :)

  2. And while we don't have snow yet here on our part of Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, last week we purchased a snowblower to aid in clearing our driveway.

    Last year both my wife and I injured our backs shoveling the white stuff. It looks great, but can be a real pain when you get a lot of it.

    Still, having grown up on the California coast (where snow was an even rarer treat than in Mississippi), it is magical to watch.

    -- Jeff

  3. We are having day upon day of rain here in Scotland. I rememeber so much more snow or heavy frost in my youth. Or perhaps time distorts memories..
    p.s I enjoed seeing th ephotos thanks for posting them

  4. Alan,

    We had our "day upon day" of rain back in October. It was the wettest October since records have been kept by the National Weather Service!

