Monday, October 19, 2009

Affair at Eisenmuhlen - Part 2

As the light troops began to fall back, the "big boys" of the Imperium's main battle line approach the field of battle.

Please click on the pictures from a larger image.

Photo by Ed Sansing
Mark Stevens, the Imperium commander, watches as the light troops battle winds down and his two center brigades begin to appear on the battlefield.

Photo by Ed Sansing
On the Imperium left flank, Clay James' brigade of Sachsen-Wachsenstein (near) and Courland (far) battalions march on in perfect order, flags flying and drums beating!

Photo by Jim Pitts
In the Imperium center, Mark Stevens brigade of Courland and Sachsen-Wachsenstein grenadiers (on the left) and John Murdaugh's brigade of Imperium and Reichs Armee battalions (on the right) advance astride the road from Alt Kirchendorf to Eisenmuhlen. A few Pandurs are still in front and the light cavalry melee is drawing to a close on the far right.

Photo by Jim Pitts
And on the Imperium right flank, Phil Young's brigade of Reichs Armee battalions and two squadrons of Courland cavalry march on in good order.

Photo by Bill Hamilton
Another picture of Phil's brigade, this time as seen from the Carpanian defender's perspective.

Photo by Bill Hamilton
A company of Carpanian jagers hides behind a small woods as the Courland Timofievich Cossacks ride by on the far side. The jagers battle was over and they did want to tangle with those madmen and their lances!

Photo by Ed Sansing
The Carpanian and Brittanian light troops continue their withdrawal behind the main battle lines while the Imperium forces begin to advance onto the main table.

Photo by Bill Hamilton
Clay James observes the Carpanian light troops withdrawing behind their battle line as his brigade continues its advance. Just beyond the roofs of the cannon foundry stands the red-coated Fusiliers of Bremen, a battalion hired by Brittanian gold to assist the Electoral cause.

Photo by Jim Pitts
The Carpanian right, commanded by Larry Reeves, and center, commanded by Bill Hamilton, man their defensive works as the Imperium troops continue their slow approach.
[NOTE: The Martian walker is NOT part of the Carpanian army!]

Photo by Bill Hamilton
Phil's Imperium brigade and cavalry continue to advance. So far as they can tell, there are no defenders to their front. Can this be true? Do they have an unimpeded route into the electoral left rear?

Photo by Jim Pitts
Larry Reeves keeps a hawk eye watch on the Imperium forces as they advance toward his defenders. In the foreground, the Carpanian defenders of the cannon foundry are ready to repel any Imperium assaults. They have pulled the four newly cast guns into the line and spread their available gunners out to man them, assisted by some drafted infantry.

Photo by Ed Sansing
A view from the perspective of the Carpanian defenders. A company of jagers temporarily mans an outwork around a small farm while the Courland and Sachsen-Wachsenstein grenadiers approach them.

Photo by Ed Sansing
A good picture looking down the Carpanian defensive line with Campbell's Highland Battalion in the foreground, anchoring the left of the defensive line.

Photo by Jim Pitts
An overview of the main battle field with the Imperium attackers on the right and the Electoral defenders on the left.

Photo by Ed Sansing
Phil's Imperium brigade continues its unimpeded advance on the right flank. Is there really nothing ahead of them?

Photo by Ed Sansing
Well, not exactly. As the Courland cavalry advances around the tip of the woods, they suddenly espy the two squadrons of the Hapnich Dragoons, who immediately begin to trot towards them.

Photo by Jim Pitts
With a clash of sabers, the two evenly matched cavalry forces meet!

Photo by Bill Hamilton
Men shout! Horses scream! Sabers ring against each other!

Photo by Jim Pitts
And while the cavalry engage in the background, Phil's Imperium infantry get just close enough to the woods to observe that they are filled with the red coats of a brigade of Brittanian infantry.
Where did they come from?!? They were reported by spies to have marched off to rejoin their comrades northeast of Minden with the main Brittanian army!
Just goes to show that you can't believe everything a spy tells you. He may be working for the other side.
[Note: The game master learned this deviousness from his long time gaming partner, Jay "Lord Sterling" Stribling.]

Photo by Bill Hamilton
As the Imperium troops begin to react to the surprise appearance of the Brittanians, the Fusiliers of Emden (another Brittanian hire) on the far left of the Electoral line breath a sigh of relief. They really weren't looking forward to having to deal with four Imperium battalions, even if they were all Reichs Armee units.

Stay tuned for Part 3 of the battle report as we resolve the action and conclude the battle.


  1. Some fine photos, gentlemen. It looks like you had a wonderful battle.

    -- Jeff

  2. Wow what a strong defensive position! Looks like a tough battle with great photos. Thanks for sharing...

  3. An excellent report and some lovely pics! Thanks for sharing.

  4. It was a strong position but it was never tested by the Imperium troops. I let the light troops battle go on one turn too many and this delayed the advance of the main battle line. That plus the lateness of the hour resulted in a stalemated game, unfortunately.

