Monday, January 26, 2009

Wargame Tactics by Charles Grant

I just received a late Christmas present in the form of the 1979 book Wargame Tactics by Charles Grant. I am slowly building up a small collection of Old School Wargaming books and this is the latest edition. I started reading the introduction during my morning break at work today and have found that I agree with everything Mr. Grant says about studying the time period in which you are gaming and using the period specific tactics and formations. More on this later.

I spent all of last week cleaning out and re-arranging my computer/wargaming/junk room at home. I still have a little work to do, but it is now much cleaner and better arranged. I even have room for a small construction area where I can work on terrain pieces, buildings, and ships to augment my painted figures. "I love it when a plan comes together!"


  1. I have never heard of your newest book "Wargame Tactics by Charles Grant." I would like your opinion and where I might get a copy. Best regards...Bill

  2. I've been building up my OSW library, too. Also books on 18th century warfare, armies, etc. A pleasant pasttime! :-)

  3. Wargames Tactics is a lovely book. I picked it up just after Christmas with birthday gift certificates. After an initial blurb on tactics in general, it presents a series of historical periods with information on the tactics of the time followed by a demonstration game.

    I picked up my copy pretty cheaply from the used books on Amazon. Something like $15 or less.

  4. I also ordered mine through an Amazon used book dealer and paid about $9 USD for it.


  5. Thanks for the feedback. I'll check Amazon...Bill
