Monday, January 5, 2009

2008 in Review

Another year has come and gone. 2008 was the first complete calendar year in which I've been blogging and also the first calendar year in which I've kept track of what I've been painting. So let's look at the figures:

Yearly total: 415 foot figures, 97 mounted figures, and 16 pieces of equipment (guns and limbers), for a total of 625 Olley points (all were 25/28mm figures).

The busiest month for painting was May with 92 points (all foot or guns). Least busiest for painting was June with no figures painted, except for the Zulu kraal I built and all the other preparations I was doing for the extremely large Zulu game I ran at Bayou Wars in the middle of the month.

I painted figures in three wargaming genres and one non-gaming genre during 2008. The largest, at 75% was for my Seven Years War imagi-nations of Carpania, Courland, and Sachsen-Wachsenstein. Next was 14% for medievals, then 9% for Victorian Colonials. The non-gaming genre was 16 ballerinas (2%) for my daughter to give her ballet students as gifts at their winter performance.

Although none of these figures match those painted by the inestimable Der Alte Fritz, I am encouraged in what I did accomplish, which averaged out to just over 52 Olley points per month (equivalent to two 24-figure infantry units or two 12-figure cavalry units). As I stated in the previous post, 2009 will be our wargaming group's Colonial Adventuring theme year. I have a large batch of Soudanese and Afghan native figures to paint, as well as French & Indian War and imagi-nation figures, so it looks like another productive year. I even hope to make a native Victorian colonial fort and modify some plastic ships into 18th Century ships for my New World imagi-nationing.

I hope all have had a joyous Christmas and will have a prosperous New Year!


  1. How do the olley points work? Quite an output of painting prowess.

  2. You had a very impressive 2008 by my book. Congratulations.

    Olley Painting Points =

    1 point per infantry
    2 points per cavalry (since you have to paint one horse and one rider)
    1 point per piece of equipment
