Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sachsen-Wachsenstein Second Contingent

The first group of pictures didn't turn out to well, so I'm trying some larger ones. Hopefully these will do better. As always, please click on the picture for an enlarged view.

Here, again, is the Eureka Saxon command group made from some extra figures.

And the Fusilier Battalion Pflugk, which will join its sister musketeer battalion in the duchy's contributory Kreis Regiment.

A closer shot of the command elements of the battalion. I couldn't find any SYW period Saxon or Saxon duchy flags that interested me, so I just used the Napoleonic era flags from the Warflag site ( ).

And here is the 8-lb position gun, with its crew of 4 gunners and 1 seconded fusilier.

The 3-lbr battalion piece has only 3 gunners and 1 seconded fusilier (who was a standard bearer into whose hand I glued a piece of wire to be used as a pry bar). In fact the gunner holding the sponge and the one in the rear (actually holding a lintstock) were conversions as well.


  1. They are beautiful!

  2. Agreed! The Empress and von Blei-Sammeln will be very pleased to see them on the field.


  3. Very nice minis! Looks like you're getting the hang of taking the pictures. :-)

  4. Thank you for your kind comments. I still need to figure out additional functions on this digital camera I have so that I can hopefully reduce more of the glare on the figures.

