Friday, August 29, 2008

New Picture of the Tamnii Narod Pandurs

After looking at the previous picture I posted showing one of the three companies of the Tamnii Narod Pandur Battalion of the Duchy of Courland, I knew I could get a better picture. So here it is.

As you can see, these doughty fellows are wearing red pants and small clothes, with black tunics. The poses in the Old Glory SYW Austrian Croat bag are dynamic, which is very suitable for a skirmishing unit. I will be adding two figures, an officer and a sergeant, to each company, as well as a battalion commander. the additions will be Front Rank figures which I believe will go well with these Old Glory figures.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, the mix of poses is very good for skirmishers. I like them.

    -- Jeff
