Thursday, February 14, 2008

My First Painted Unit

This is part of the first wargame unit I painted, back in the Spring of 1971, while I was a junior in college. They are the old Airfix Waterloo Highlanders. I used Pactra enamels and painted with a large craft brush and toothpicks for detail. Until they became too brittle for use, they were a mainstay of my British Napoleonic army.


  1. Fitz,

    For 38 year old Airfix figures they ain't half bad, if I say so myself. They have been honorably retired to the "Old Soldier's Home" because of their brittleness. Their replacement is a unit of Miniature Figurines Highlanders also painted as the Black Watch.

  2. I wish that I knew what my first painted unit was. I know that it was an Essex 25mm unit for the Alexander Imperial army (WRG variety) . . . but which one? That's lost somewhere in the recesses of Time.

    -- Jeff

  3. Your highlanders have held up well and still look really nice. Thanks for sharing your photo.

    Best Regards,

